Fostered in Dorset. Meet beautiful Honey she is 3yrs old & she is weighting in at 12.5kgs, she is housetrained. Honey is currently in Dorchester with her foster family so you can meet her. Honey is such a super little girl she would love to meet a quiet family, it would be perfect if they already have a resident dog/dogs for her as companions. Honey is a fantastic house dog, she gets on so good with other dogs, she likes to play especially with her toys. Honey likes her walks & she walks well on the lead, she has really grown in confidence whilst in foster. However Honey does get a little distracted if she she’s a squirrel as she would love to chase it, she is a little character. Other than that Honey would make a great friend & companion for you. She is very intelligent & has flourished in foster with her training Is fully vaccinated, Brucellosis tested, spayed, health checked, microchipped, flea-ed & wormed.Is ready to travel from Romania.The application is a form, a home check & a call from the team.Adoption donation will apply.Rescue backup is provided.
Author Archives: mossmania
Fostered in Nottingham. This tiny little girl is Heidi, she was recently rescued with Fred & Mali from the side of a very busy road. Heidi was rescued with a neck wound it looks like she had been tied up so tightly it has cut through her neck. Who would do such a thing to a tiny little puppy. Her wound was treated straight away & she is now ready to find her forever home, where she will never have to have fear again. If you would love to offer Heidi the loving home she so deserves. Heidi has been named by “Glenda Thorpe” thank you Glenda without your support none of this would be possible Is fully vaccinated, Brucellosis tested, health checked, microchipped, flea-ed & wormed.Is ready to travel from Romania.The application is a form, a home check & a call from the team.Adoption donation will apply.Rescue backup is provided.
Harley is simply pawfect isn’t she, she would fill your home with love & laughter. She has been recently rescued with her 2 brothers & sister they were left/dumped outside the clinic Is fully vaccinated, Brucellosis tested, Not spayed, this would be the responsibility new family once age appropriate, health checked, microchipped, flea-ed & wormed.Is ready to travel from Romania.The application is a form, a home check & a call from the team.Adoption donation will apply.Rescue backup is provided.
This girl Google is certainly living up to her name, she has been checking out everyone since her arrival. She loves to play & socialise with the other dogs, she has made friends in kennels as you can see from her Reel. Google has loved any attention, she does like her belly rubbed & being stroke she is really a little diamond. Is fully vaccinated, Brucellosis tested, spayed, health checked, microchipped, flea-ed & wormed.Is ready to travel from Romania.The application is a form, a home check & a call from the team.Adoption donation will apply.Rescue backup is provided.
This young dainty girl is Ginger, she is looking for love. Ginger is looking for her forever home where she can bring joy to your life. Ginger would love the opportunity to go out walking with you, she would make a great companion. She gets on great with the other dogs & she likes a real good fuss. Ginger is ready to travel & she deserves her fresh start, please send through a direct message Is fully vaccinated, Brucellosis tested, spayed, health checked, microchipped, flea-ed & wormed.Is ready to travel from Romania.The application is a form, a home check & a call from the team.Adoption donation will apply.Rescue backup is provided.
Check out this very handsome young man Blue, isn’t he simply stunning As you can see Blue is a character, full of life & a real sweetheart. This scruffy young lad would keep you entertained with his antics, he has been a pleasure to meet. Blue is cat tested & he has made friends with the other dogs, he likes to play. Please check out his Reel he had everyone in stitches at the clinic, he was so funny If you feel that you would like to more about Blue please send through a direct message Is fully vaccinated, Brucellosis tested, spayed, health checked, microchipped, flea-ed & wormed.Is ready to travel from Romania.The application is a form, a home check & a call from the team.Adoption donation will apply.Rescue backup is provided.
Meet Bindi, she is a real cracker is she? She is a typical beautiful puppy, full of love & full of life she will really warm your heart. Bindi was rescued with her brother Bran & 2 sisters Bracken & Bubby, they would love to find their forever homes. Is fully vaccinated, Brucellosis tested, spaying is the responsibility of Bindi’s new family once age as appropriate, health checked, microchipped, flea-ed & wormed.Is ready to travel from Romania.The application is a form, a home check & a call from the team.Adoption donation will apply.Rescue backup is provided.
Meet BIBI she is a beautiful chocolate/caramel colouring with the most stunning eyes. BIBI is very sweet & gentle, she is very easy going she gets on great with the other dogs & she is also cat tested as you can see from her Reel. Bibi is a friendly & loving girl, she very affectionate with people. If you would like more information please send through a direct message we would love to hear from you Is fully vaccinated, Brucellosis tested, spayed, health checked, microchipped, flea-ed & wormed.Is ready to travel from Romania.The application is a form, a home check & a call from the team.Adoption donation will apply.Rescue backup is provided.
This very cute little boy is Benji, he is adorable isn’t he? Benji is your typical puppy he loves everything & he loves everyone he meets. He learns new things everyday exploring, seeking out things he has never seen before. He loves playing with the other dogs, running & following what they are up to. He is such a good boy that will melt your heart. If you would like to know more about little Benji please send through a direct message we would love to hear from you Is fully vaccinated, Brucellosis tested, neutering is the responsibility of Benji’s new family once age appropriate, health checked, microchipped, flea-ed & wormed.Is ready to travel from Romania.The application is a form, a home check & a call from the team.Adoption donation will apply.Rescue backup is provided.
This adorable girl is Babe, she is simply stunning. Babe has settled well & she has won over everyone’s hearts in the clinic. Babe is a calm girl, as you can see from her Reel she has really enjoyed all the attention that she has been shown. Babe has been cat tested & she gets on great with the other dogs in foster. If you would like more information on Babe please send through a direct message Is fully vaccinated, Brucellosis tested, spayed, health checked, microchipped, flea-ed & wormed.Is ready to travel from Romania.The application is a form, a home check & a call from the team.Adoption donation will apply.Rescue backup is provided.