Bella is a Havanese Bichon puppy and is the most beautiful girl inside and out. She is fun, playful and loving. Bella is extremely friendly and is yet to meet a person, dog or cat that she does not like. She is currently living with a child and is houtrained. Please send us a direct message or complete the application form below if sweet Bella is the family member you’ve been missing. She’s ready to meet you.
- Age – 5 months old
- Weight – 8kgs
- Female
- Pet passport
- Housetrained
- Sociable with other dogs
- Cats
Is fully vaccinated, Brucellosis tested, spayed, health checked, microchipped, flea-ed & wormed.
Is ready to travel from Romania.
The application is a form, a home check & a call from the team.
Adoption donation will apply.
Rescue backup is provided.