Help Scout

Scout was a little street pup we rescued who had a dreadful skin condition. Through kind donations we managed to get him the vet treatment he needed and I’m happy to say things are looking up for him. He’s now 5.5mth and weighing a healthy 12kg. More importantly his skin has healed and most of his fur has grown back. He is now seeking a new home which is the best outcome we could have hoped for.

A Christmas Wish Update

On 7th November last year we made a ‘Christmas wish’ We asked if you would be able to help us raise the money to build a fence around the land that the dog pens are on for security & safety. It was a massive cost of £1000 and something that could only be achieved through the help of our supporters. Our prayers were answered and we were overwhelmed by a staggering £803 we received in donations I’m happy to say work is now well on its way to completion. We only need to find a further £100 for the last of the materials. Thank you all

Flea Treatment

Flea treatment has arrived at MossMania . We got a good deal on this but it is still costing £580!! of which we have only paid a small amount and still owe the rest. It is such a difficult situation. Left untreated the vet costs could end up costing more than the flea treatment itself as it could lead to a whole host of problems and put dogs lives at risk. However finding extra funds for these kind of necessities is always hard. That’s why we need to ask, if anyone could/ would be able to help us please? by sending a donation towards the treatments no matter how small every little bit of help adds up.

A Wish For Christmas

Our Christmas Wish would be to be able to build a fence round all the pens. This would mean if any dog manages to escape the pen they will be in a enclosed area, therefore safe. Also our dogs see other dogs/cats/foxes etc from their pens which makes them bark. This in turn causes by passers to complain. We don’t want complaints going to the City Hall or they could threaten closure. So a fence would keep us in and any outside influence out. However the cost of this is £1000.

Mya’s Treatment

As a team, we are the only voice they have. Poor Maya was rescued from a highway scared, alone and starving. The vets went to routinely spay her and found she has mammary tumours on both mammary chains. The 1st chain was removed but she needs a 2nd surgery to remove the other one. Unfortunately, it is expensive surgery and we are hoping to raise 1000 euros so she can survive. Times are tough but if you can just spare £1 to help her we can give her a chance at life.